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- by
- D. J. B. Shibley
- So....you're pretty good at trivia
- games are you? Your pies are always
- filled to overflowing during TRIVIAL
- PURSUIT? You always have the answers
- ---but what about the questions?
- QUICK---
- The category is "SIT-COMS", and a
- correct responce is worth $300.
- The answer is ---- 'The character
- played by Gleason in the
- HONEYMOONERS'. But what is the
- question?
- If you answered, 'Who is Ralph
- Kramden', CATEGORY SHOWDOWN might
- become your favorite trivia game. If
- you haven't guessed yet, CATEGORY
- SHOWDOWN is like a home computer
- version of JEPORADY(tm), and has over
- 60 categories of mind teasing
- questions.
- When the game starts, you will be
- asked for the name of Player 1 and
- Player 2. If, for some reason you
- want to play by yourself, just press
- RETURN for the name of Player 2.
- Next, the computer will ask you for
- a response key for both Player 1 and
- 2. The response key is that key on
- the keyboard that you will press when
- you think you know the answer to a
- question. If you can press your key
- before your opponent presses his when
- the computer asks the question, you
- get first crack at answering it.
- After the first few formalities, the
- computer will select 6 categories from
- which to choose. The complete names
- of the categories will be listed and
- the computer will tell who has control
- of the board.
- After this, a screen with 6 columns
- and 5 rows will be displayed. This is
- the actual screen from which you will
- pick a category and a money amount.
- Towards the bottom of the screen you
- will see a statement telling you who
- gets to choose a question. The
- columns are numbered and you simply
- enter the number of the category you
- want. Next you enter the money amount
- you want to play for. You cannot
- choose a category that has no
- remaining questions.
- During the game, entering a "c"
- when choosing a category displays a
- list of the current categories and
- scores. Entering a "q" at this point
- quits the game. You receive the
- option of beginning a new game or
- game or returning to LOADSTAR.
- After you have chosen a category and
- a money amount, the computer will
- display your question. At this point,
- whoever thinks he knows the correct
- answer should press his response key.
- If no one presses a key after a
- certain amount of time, a timer will
- sound, the answer will be shown and
- you will return to the main game
- board to try another question.
- If someone presses a response key,
- that player will be asked to answer
- the question. If it is answered
- correctly, that player will be awarded
- the chosen money amount. If the
- question is answered incorrectly, then
- the other player will have a chance to
- answer the question. If neither
- player correctly answers the question,
- then play returns to the main game
- board.
- It is important to note that every
- time you attempt to answer a question
- and are incorrect, the money amount is
- deducted from your account. This
- keeps the game interesting. In fact,
- you can wind up with a negative score.
- When all questions have been chosen,
- if either player has a positive amount
- of money, a new category will be
- chosen. If a player has any money, he
- can place a wager on one final
- question. If both players have some
- money, then both players will attempt
- to answer the same question. As
- before, if you answer the question
- correctly, you are awarded the amount
- you wagered. If your answer is
- incorrect, you lose the amount you
- wagered.
- After the final scoring, the
- computer will decide the winner. This
- is, of course, based upon which player
- has the most money. At this point,
- you will be asked if you want to test
- your trivia knowledge again with
- >Files used: DOUBLE DANGER
- and a whole slew of
- question files. If you
- view the directory of
- this disk, you will see
- them grouped along with
- DOUBLE DANGER between a
- pair of dashed lines.
- ---------< end of article >-----------